Khapri Alston talks about his experience for Austral Valdivia

How do you feel during your stay in Valdivia?

Very comfortable, the city is very nice and the people are friendly. This is my first time in Chile and I love it so far. I was told it rains a lot here but since I came here it has only been really nice weather.

Were you surprised by the level of basketball here?

I was pleasently surprised. Comparing to the leagues I played before, the level here is superior, there is quality players and the games are packed. I was really suprised by the situation down South, the gyms are all full, even on weekends while in the center is not like that. I like the passion that Valdivia has as well as other cities in the South.

Once you finish the season here, would you like to come back to Chile?

I would love to come back, but that doesn’t depend on me but ruther on the organization of the club.I had a great season, and I hope to crown it with a championship for Valdivia and hope to compete in the Liga de las Americas. But nevertheless I will always like to come back to Chile, it is a great country, where foreign players feel at home. People treat us very nice.

Apart from Chile, did you have other options this season?

I had other options of course, but the ones that showed most interest was the management of CDV. They got in touch with me and explained to me everything about the championship, the city, the team and the sports tradition, as well as other promises which they have kept. So taking everything in consideration, I can say that this was the best decision for me.

You are one of the most competitive players out there, considering your points and rebounds per game. How do you feel about all your individual awards?

I feel very good, because that is the reason I was brought here. The team put their trust in me and I try to do the best on and off the court for the team, and to respond to these expectations. For the time being the numbers have helped the team to get to the Conference Finals and this makes me happy and gives me strengh to keep on doing what I am doing.

How are the CDV fans treating you?

Amazingly. The CDV fans are very emotional, the always cheer for us even when we are losing. In Puerto Varas I liked tha amounf of fans that came to cheer for us, we seemed locals in another city and their support energized the team. I am very grateful for their suppor and we will leave everything during the game, so we win the title for the fans.

Do people here recognize you on the street?

It happens quite  a lot actually when I walk around the city or when I go out to eat. People try to get close to me and say hi or ask for a photo. This shows me they respect my work and I try to respond in a good manner. The people here are very warm and generally very respectful.

How is your relationship with the rest of the players?

It is very good, since day one the team has treated me very well and I try to respond by doing my best on the court. Outside there is this camraderie that we share, we get along very well and everyone tries to help each other. I am very content with the human aspect of the team, without leaving aside the technical part of it, which is very important as well.

What is your impression of the coach Manuel Cordoba?

He is the most passionate coach I have ever worked with. He is crazy for the club and the spectacle of it all, which he follows with expertise as well. I think he is a very good coach as well as a great person. During games he often pressures to get the most out of our game, and if you make a mistake he will tell you right away, but later on it is like nothing happened.


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